Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bragging on:

Penumbra has a new featured story this month; fear not, it kept mine in its archive:

And is producing KULTURKAMPF (out now in the Immersion Book of Steampunk) as a podcast; my old friend Hans is narrating it. Has me in stitches.

Speaking of podcasts - not only is my story GIFTS OF THE MAGI scheduled to run at on December 8, they also want to produce it in audio!

Double play: I have a story in each issue of Stupefying Stories: October and November ! Go Bruce Bethke - clearly an editor of taste and refinement!

Short Like Me: Two pieces in Issue 95, Issue 100.

Collecting rejections apace: Fender Stitch, Interzone, Pedestal, OTP. Digital SF had bought a story earlier this year - alas, folded. Shortlisted a couple of places.

Can haz ideaz. What has been thought, cannot be un-thought. Or un-thawed, since it was never frozen in the first place.

But it can be forgotten.